I get asked about my online alias all the time, so what's up with the name iSWORD?
The answer is really simple: it's the literal meaning of my first name Muhannad!
Well, Muhannad means an "Indian Sword" or a "Sword made of Indian Steel", but back in 2007 when I used the alias IndianSword, I had to deal with racist comments against Indians on a daily basis on online forums and bulletin boards. Eventually I decided to drop the "Indian" part to avoid the cyber bullies.

Indian swords are kind of a big deal because they were very popular in Ancient Arabia for being the highest quality swords available. And while the word Muhannad literally means "Indian-made", it's always used to refer to swords in particular.
As for the domain name (isword.me), the choice of the .me TLD indicates my Middle Eastern origins, and to be honest I couldn't resist the 90% offer especially since I have a domain hoarding problem!
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